Q.wiki 6.5

— Role management 2.1, references and more

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Note: We have added some more improvements in the previous release. For a complete listing, please see the updated release notes of Q.wiki 6.4!

Role management 2.1

In our last release we were able to fundamentally renew the role management. For Q.wiki 6.5 we are building on this and adding more features that will simplify working with roles in your processes.

Role links

In the detailed view of your role, you now have access to the pages on which these roles were linked. Using the filters in the modal view, you have the possibility to adjust the results according to your requirements and therefore display only the pages that are currently important for you.


Page links


show linked pages


User profiles & personal profile

We generate further links and easier traceability of relationships with the view assigned roles per user. You can view the assigned roles for each user in the user profiles as well as the roles assigned to you in your personal profile. Of course, the reference to the role description as well as to the linked processes is given from here.


Role linking in user profiles
Role linking in user profiles


Role links in the personal profile
Role links in the personal profile


Role title migration

Role migration is a feature that allows key users to migrate unique role names in your Q.wiki to the new role widget once per day. You can access the function via Tools > Settings.

You can find more detailed information in our service area.


Role title migration


References & Sidebar

When setting up a management system, one wants to avoid repetitions and redundant content, since otherwise one would have many places that would have to be updated when changes are made. You also want to separate individual work packages of a process into work instructions, e.g. to maintain the clarity of a complex process by structuring and reducing it to the essential aspects. Due to the web-based approach, Q.wiki can support you with links and easily reference the corresponding processes, work instructions, etc. in a navigable way.

If you want to check, for example, in which processes a work instruction is referenced or of which processes a process is a sub-process, it is helpful to be able to display all references on one page. For example, this also makes it easier to manually maintain upstream or downstream processes, or - if no references can be found - it is easier to delete content from Q.wiki.

For this we have implemented an old function in a new way. On pages you now get a new sidebar on the right side. This offers you different functions depending on the state of your page. The newest function are the references. With one click you open a modal with the references to the current page. For each entry you can see which status points to this page (released, suggested change or draft). Single entries are additionally directly clickable, so that you can make changes immediately, if necessary.


References & Sidebar


References & Sidebar


References & Sidebar


By changing this function and removing it in previous dialogs such as "Change address", the performance of the corresponding dialogs could be increased significantly.

PDF Viewer

Until now, file pages only had a preview for images. So with this release we are happy to add a PDF viewer to the file pages. You can change views, zoom and search for words in the PDF documents.


PDF Viewer

Further improvements

  • In the selection dialogs for areas, the lists are now sorted alphabetically to get faster to the desired result.
  • Group management
    • Deactivated users are now highlighted in the assigned user lists
    • User lists are sorted alphabetically
  • Notification forwarding has been optimized. If the login session had expired, users were not redirected to the corresponding notification page after login. We have fixed this behavior. Users are now redirected to the correct page after successful login.


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