Q.wiki 5.14

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The work on our core functions continues: The edit mode receives further fundamental improvements and gets rid of technical legacy at the same time:

  • The display of read and edit mode has been aligned. Inserted blank lines, for example, remain as of now. Enjoy freer design options in your Q.wiki content!
  • If you want to add links, you can now choose directly from different link types. This allows you to more easily create "dead links" that offer to create new Q.wiki content when clicked. This offers you the possibility to pre-structure your management system more easily, for example by including placeholders for work instructions that are yet to be created in process descriptions.
  • Icons have been added to the display of links to simplify navigation. Red links including the symbols are now also visible in edit mode. Links to "new Q.wiki content" are displayed more self-explanatory with a plus symbol. Links to deleted or discarded content are now crossed out and displayed with a trash can icon.
    • In addition, links to deleted content remain functional for users with access to the Q.wiki trash can, e.g. KeyUser. The traceability and findability of deleted content is significantly improved. At the same time, normal users do not have access to the Q.wiki trash can and still do not run the risk of viewing outdated, deleted content.
  • Attention: Unfortunately, these changes could not be implemented completely retroactively. Existing links to deleted content, for example, are thus displayed unchanged and do not link to the content in the Q.wiki trash can.


New link functionality and design option

Further improvements

  • Keep track of what needs to be done when and by whom, even with a large number of tasks, thanks to new task filters! In particular, cross-topic task overviews, such as "All Tasks" in apps and the task overviews on "My Page", have been revised and receive comprehensive filter options.
    • Attention: Task overviews within app elements (e.g. in a meeting protocol) could only be extended to a limited extent. Filters for "Author" and partly also "Assigned to" are missing here.


Extended task filtering


  • From now on you can also edit in Q.wiki Now! Office documents directly (so-called WebDAV). You no longer need to cumbersomely download, modify and re-upload Office documents - Microsoft Office opens and saves the documents directly from Q.wiki. To use this feature without errors, you need to make Windows settings outside of Q.wiki. You can find more information about this here: Making security settings for WebDAV


Direct editing of Office documents


  • Our login screen has been given a modern design and is now displayed in the correct order when connected to a user administration (e.g. Azure AD): first the company login and then the login with user name and password.
    You do not have a Microsoft Azure AD connection yet? Then set it up on your own with the following instructions: Detailed information and instructions for Microsoft Azure AD connection.


New login screen


  • App items can now also be created directly on the page when linked to the process area. The link between the new app item and the corresponding page is also created automatically.


Linked content from apps with element creation

  • Q.wiki Enterprise customers can now request a permanent and free training system that provides access to our interactive Q.wikinger tours. This makes training your new Q.wiki users easier than ever before. Additionally, you can try out new features before updating your enterprise system. This training system can be upgraded individually and will not be reset. Request your training system today: Request form for free training system

  • The loading times of Q.wiki content could be shortened. Through a large-scale analysis of loading times, we were able to identify the greatest optimization potential and start directly with the first improvements.
  • The UI/UX gets minor but significant improvements:
    • The controls now remain fixed at the top of the process area and are supplemented by a "Save" and "Cancel" button in edit mode.
    • Activated tables of contents are also fixed at the top and float above the content from now on. In order not to permanently cover the content, the table of contents can be minimized.
    • The Q.wiki notification function, the so-called broadcast message, has been revised and fits better into the existing design.


UI/UX improvements

Fixed bugs

  • Tasks can be edited and closed directly on "All Tasks" overviews of apps again.
  • The view protection for app elements now takes effect immediately after activation and not only during the next edit.


  • The "Remove link" button has been removed without replacement in edit mode. Instead, links can simply be removed as text as before.
  • From now on, links can only be added to images via the imagemap function. Adding a link to an image via the normal link dialog is no longer possible.

Insert links to images


  • In task overviews, it is no longer possible to display all tasks of an overview on one page via "Show all". Instead, you can use the new filter functions to keep a more targeted overview.
  • The task overviews on "My Page" have been slimmed down with the new filter enhancements. The separate task overview on "My closed tasks" has been removed. Instead, in the "My Tasks" tab, the status filter can be set to "closed" to get the same overview.
  • For Enterprise customers only: The previous goesinteractive training systems will be permanently deleted and removed on 31.10.2021 due to the new Q.wikinger training systems. If you are an Enterprise customer and do not yet have a separate, new Q.wikinger training system, you can request one here: Request form for free training system


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